Thursday, November 23, 2023




On one occasion the great English writer, scholar and saint, Blessed Cardinal John Henry Newman (1801-1890) was asked on how one could become a saint. This holy but very practical man gave a short but clear recipe for holiness--- here we have it for your own motivation to pursue holiness!

First, he said:  “Get to bed on time!”  This may take many by surprise, but on second thought it should not. Why? If we do not get sufficient rest our body will be tired; we will be dragging ourselves through the day. Most likely we will be impatient and end up by being short and snapping at people, especially those with whom we live!  Our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, and must be treated properly through proper rest!

Second, Newman stated that upon waking we should offer our first thoughts to God, and consecrate the day to His service.  Today we might call this the Morning Offering.  In this prayer we offer all to Jesus though the Immaculate Heart of Mary. May all our words, deeds, and even intentions be done for the honor and glory of God and for the salvation of souls.

Third, Cardinal Newman suggested that we eat to the honor and glory of God.  St. Paul puts it this way: “Whether you eat or drink do all for the honor and glory of God.”  When we eat may we never be moved by passion and gluttony but always be directed by faith and reason!

Fourth, with regard to immoral and impure thoughts—we all struggle with them in one form or another—they should be rejected immediately. Are bad thoughts sins, many wonder!  Once a priest asked a man if he entertained bad thoughts.  The man quickly responded:  “No they entertained me!”  As soon as we are aware of immodest or indecent thoughts we must reject and expel them from our mind as quickly as possible through a short and fervent prayer and a strong act of the will!

Fifth, Blessed John Henry recommended that we make a fervent Eucharistic visit. Remember that he lived in Protestant England in the 19th century where there was not an abundance of Catholic Churches and not too many daily Masses. For that reason a fervent visit to the Eucharistic Lord would serve to keep the heart’s love enkindled for the Lord Jesus.

Sixth, pray the Rosary. This wonderful prayer Cardinal Newman encouraged to be prayed on a daily basis!   The saints, the Popes and Our Lady herself have all strongly recommended the daily recitation of the most Holy Rosary. In 1917 Our Lady of Fatima appeared six times to the three shepherd children—Lucia, Francisco, and Jacinta-.   Every time she visited she Our Lady exhorted the recitation of the daily Rosary.  St. Pope John Paul II in his letter “The Blessed Virgin Mary and the Rosary” likewise encouraged the Rosary and for two specific intentions: for world peace and for the salvation of the family.  In this document “The Rosary priest” (Father Patrick Peyton) was quoted:  “The family that prays together stays together.”

Seventh, and lastly Blessed Cardinal John Henry Newman spread the icing on the top of the cake of holiness with these words:  “Try to do the ordinary duties of one’s daily life with extraordinary love.”  If this is done faithfully and on a daily basis we have a short program and recipe for holiness.   This is the essence of the spirituality of St. Therese of Lisieux. God does not pay so much attention to the greatness of the exterior action but rather of the purity of intention by which the action is carried out. St. Therese also affirmed this spiritual concept with these words:  “Pick up a pin for the love of God and you can save a soul.”  

Remember that Jesus paid more attention and praised the humble widow throwing in two small copper coins (worth very little economically) than the huge sums of money thrown in the collection boxes by the vain and proud and self-seeking!


Hopefully this simple recipe of holiness of Blessed Cardinal John Henry Newman can serve as a motivation and stimulus for you and me to seek the reason for our existence—holiness in this life which will terminate in eternal happiness in heaven!

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