Tuesday, January 11, 2022


Recently, a friend of mine went to the theatre to watch a newly released movie (won't say which one coz I don't want to single it out).

 "Auriel, you must go watch it." she told me excitedly. "The action is amazing, the suspense is thrilling, nail-biting to the end." I smiled and asked her what she had gained from watching the movie. Puzzled, she said, "Just had a good time. It destressed me, that's all." 

I then asked her if there was anything that she didn't like about the movie. Again, wondering what I was getting at, she hesitantly said, "Well, the clothes were revealing, and there was a sprinkling of bad language and one objectionable scene."

Secular movies are like apples on the tree in the garden of Eden. They hold the promise of being delicious, but when you 'bite' into them, you realise that you got a lot more than you bargained for. Adam and Eve wanted to be like God. That was the promise of the serpent. But what they got was banishment and disgrace. Toil and endless trouble. 

In days gone by, the standards set by moviemakers catered to some sort of decency. Language was monitored as were costumes. They tried to teach some moral values. I'm talking about decades ago. Movies started with silent ones in the 1950s. And gradually from silent they became unspeakable. 

Today, one has gotten so desensitised to vulgarity that one can sit through a bedroom scene in a movie without flinching or blushing. Bad language is no longer the exception, its the thing that sells a movie besides sex.

Think of the movie you watched last on Netflix, or YouTube, or at the theatre! List what you liked and what you disliked about it. View it in your mind's eye from the angle of virtue verses vice. What rank would you give the movie on the scale from 1-10?

During the ACE SEASON (ACE stands for Advent Christmas Epiphany), I watched a movie called Christmas Oranges. It was a secular movie about orphans. My rule nowadays is that if a movie has one bad word or one sexually explicit scene, I will just SWITCH IT OFF. The insertion of bad language and bad morality by the film-maker is questionable. A movie can be made without these two. I wish to watch the movie with my children but the film-maker has now made it impossible for me to do so. I hope you get my drift. 

"But Auriel, then you won't be able to watch any good movie because every movie has such scenes." Well, then I won't watch any movie. Who gives anyone the right to invade my private space and download their filth into my home? If I do not watch HARD PORN, should I be forced into watching soft porn? If I do not wish my children to speak bad language, should I allow them to hear it spoken by some stranger on the idiot box? NO WAY!!

Ephesians 6:12
For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

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