Sunday, December 27, 2020


 CHAPTER ONE. (to be read on Dec 21)


-  written for children by Aurrsa. 

It was a cold blitzy night. The stable was aglow with the dim light of a lantern. The ox was huddled near a pile of straw, munching at its last meal of the day in the manger. The donkey was at the water trough, drinking greedily. 

Both animals were exhausted by a hard day's work and were waiting for a good night's sleep in the warm confines of their home in the stable. 

The farmer came in, checked in on them, spoke kind words to his beasts and went out, taking the lantern with him. 

The ox spoke, "Brother donkey, today looks to be another cold silent night. Lets get as much rest as we can, for the day ahead will be as weary and long as this one was." Saying this, he nodded his goodnight to the donkey and began to doze. 

The donkey, having finished drinking, wandered over to the door and looked out of the stable. He could see lights still on in the farmer's cottage, and far ahead, the lit up sign of a nearby inn.

 During the day, he had noticed several travellers making their way to that inn to lodge for the night so they could be counted in the census. 

"Well", he thought to himself, "that inn must be full by now." 

He sauntered slowly to where the ox lay and settled himself for sleep. 

Soon the two beasts were snoring away blissfully. Perhaps they dreamt happy dreams as well. We'll never know. 

{Rest of the story tomorrow, friends.}🙏



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