Sunday, August 21, 2022


 These past two months, after we got full possession of the new flat on July 16, have been hectic. Making and remaking plans for renovation has eaten up much of my waking hours. I have changed my mind so many times in the past month that I am certain my contractor is pulling his hair out.

Last week, we hit a roadblock. Sand was not available and work stopped for ten days. It was very frustrating to wait. Then the contractor finally managed to get two bags and has hopefully started the masonry work today as I pen this. 

I have always dreamt of an open space home (especially since this is a tiny home). We have two bedrooms and two washrooms, and a third toilet which we are converting into a pantry cum laundry room.  

The kitchen has been partially opened out into the living room to facilitate easy flow of food and drinks to guests or family members. I got incorporated a small breakfast table which will double up as a meal prep table as well as it is close to the stove. We hope to fit both the freezer and refrigerator into the tiny section next to the breakfast table. Fingers crossed. 

In the master bedroom, we haven't touched the attached bathroom but will incorporate a tiny sink and an efficient shower. It already has a commode but no partition. 

The bedroom had a tiny balcony, too narrow to be of much use. So, we broke that wall down completely to increase the space and will keep our two cupboards there on either side. A extra tall set of curtains will separate the cupboards from the rest of the room.

The second bedroom will be occupied by the boys. There too we are not making any drastic changes. The diwan we presently own will function as a daybed and will store the mattresses for them to use at night. 

The living room will be minimal with a  2+1+1 sofa set, secondhand from the previous owner. There are two entrances, the main door and another leading out to the porch which is open. We intend blocking the main door with a detachable frame and blending it with the existing wall while making the porch our main entrance.

The porch will be recreated by removing the existing cage effect and putting in new wall and floor tiles, and a fence railing with a gate. The steps will be also done with matching  step tiles. To a left of the steps, there is place for a small garden bed and I intend also making a small elevation to keep a Christmas tree. We also hope to put in pavers in the small area directly in front of our porch. 

So what will it look like after its done?

The kitchen countertop will be black granite with off-white cabinet drawers centrally just like this setup. One end is the sink next to the window so the door will be made to cover it and the other end will house the cylinders, again with similar cabinet door to conceal them. 

The porch will be somewhat like this except for the door and steps are on one side.

(I will post updates after a month. Do come back to check.)

Faith and Flour inspiration video:

Please check my article 

Moving To Bastora 

for updates. 

Sorry for the inconvenience. 

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